2020-01-20 | BY Lei Xiaolu
“Freedom of navigation and overflight” cannot justify complicated military operations of US and other extra-regional powers in the South China sea, apart from which they need to seek other legal basis to defend their actions.
2019-12-20 | BY Koh Swee Lean Collin
In today’s context of evolving, more complex security environment, the drive towards promoting such engagements becomes ever more critical especially as Southeast Asian governments continue to confront not only an extant broad spectrum of security challenges but the need to carefully husband finite resources and allocate them to areas of security priorities.
2019-11-19 | BY SCSPI
The deployment of LCSs equipped with advanced anti-ship weapons to the South China Sea indirectly indicates a subtle change in the US military’s scheme in the South China Sea, that is, previous reconnaissance, deterrence, and command of the situation have turned into implementing military strikes and achieving better striking performance.
2019-11-19 | BY Hu Bo
In view of China’s increasingly diverse range of combat platforms and options in the management of maritime disputes, some countries, which are engaged in disputes with China, unthinkingly criticize and condemn, while plainly grossly underestimating China’s ambitions with regard to aircraft carriers.
2019-11-11 | BY Hu Bo
The power competition between China and the US, as well as the disputes on maritime delimitation and resource exploitation, is intensifying. Here are suggestions to related parties.